المكتب العالمى لعالم الخزائن والأثاث
مصر -
- 95 شارع الترعة البولاقيـة - شبرا مصر
The company has the honor to submit to you ancient and expertise in the field of supplying large closets and cupboards, armored doors and office furniture. Where we are dedicated to providing a great diversity in the models provided for our customers to maintain quality in all our products to guarantee satisfy different tastes and variety to our valued customerssafes against fire and burglary different sizes and types.
2 - Shannons normal and armored against fire and burglary.
3 - supply, manufacture and installation of
armored doors against fire and burglary.
4 - Units of secretariats
Metal and Wooden Office furniture
المزيد من التجهيزات المنزلية في القاهرة
Abdel Razeq El Sanhoury St. Of Makram 547 Ebaid St. Nasr City, Cairo
Building 1/2 – Along Palestine Street – the intersection of Algeria Street – New Maadi – Cairo – Egypt
-77 Street - Maadi - Cairo - Egypt
6 عمر شاهين شارع شبرا امام كشرى التحرير
44 main senter street - Behind Carrefour EL-maadi - Almiraj City
هل تدير هذا المكان؟ وثقه الآن
تأكد من أن معلوماتك محدثة، واستخدم صفحتك في دليل حفلة.كوم لتزود زبائنك بآخر أخبارك وعروضك من خلال توثيق المكان.